Family friendly hotel

Sharing a bed with children ages 6 and under are free of charge

When sharing a bed with an adult, children ages 6 and under are free to stay at all Super Hotel locations

ex. when staying as family

Price of an adult Price of two adults

* At the time of resevation, please confirm the room capacity with the hotel you are staying at, as room capacity may differ at each location.
* Please include the number of children when making reservations, even when sharing a bed.

Reassurance and Safety


Organic healty breakfast

* Some locations require additional charge for breakfast.


Selected water and clean air.

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* Baby chairs and tables made using local woods are available at limited locations

Welcome Lounge

Our lounge tables and chairs are made using local woods

Friendly to human and earth

We are comitted in providing the best service for our guests

Exciting hotel experience


Make it your secret base.

We have bunk beds, great for families.


Connecting Rooms will connect two adjacent rooms.


Experience the Theater Rooms.

Enjoy YouTube, Amazon Prime and Netflix on larger screens.

* Please use your own account for logging into streaming services.

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Complimentary welcome drinks

"Bar time for family"

Adults can enjoy local-Sake and cocktails, and chiidren can enjoy mocktails and shaved ice.

* Comlimetary welcome drinks and shaved ice are offered at limited locations


Enjoy and relax in natural hot springs or carbonated hot springs.

* Limited location


Super Hotel room keys use PIN number system, so checking out is fast and easy.